Create simple and effective automated surveys with Martech

In the field of Martech (marketing technology), it is now possible to implement automated surveys at different touchpoints of the customer journey. Unlike traditional surveys that aim for a representative sample, the emphasis here is on the quantity and quality of responses. If you want to know how to create simple and effective automated surveys, here are some practical tips.

Commonly used types of surveys

The most commonly used surveys focus on specific topics and have a longer lifespan. The goal is to make them “neutral” enough so that they don’t require regular maintenance (usually no more than once per quarter). Here are the types of surveys that our teams typically recommend:

  • Consumer expectation surveys: Gather key insights into the most important elements that can set you apart from the competition.
  • Customer satisfaction surveys: Evaluate customer satisfaction in terms of both products/services and interactions with customer service.
  • Abandoned cart surveys: Understand the reasons behind cart abandonments and determine if they are final.

How to identify and contact participants for different surveys effectively

To ensure a high response rate from users, it is essential to automatically identify potential participants. This segmentation can be achieved through various methods:

  • Based on an event or action: For example, when users have a pending cart for 24 hours, a survey can be automatically sent.
  • Based on a combination of contact attributes: For example, as soon as a new prospect hasn’t made a purchase of a product or service in the last 7 days, you can ask them questions about their expectations.
  • Based on a Lead Scoring program: If a contact receives a score that is too high or too low, you can seek more information about the reasons for that situation.

How to boost survey response rates

By implementing these incentive strategies, you will significantly increase the chances of obtaining a high response rate for your surveys. Here are some ideas:

  • Rewards or benefits, such as discounts or vouchers
  • Sharing the results exclusively with participants
  • Opportunity to participate in raffles
  • Creating a fund for a charitable cause

How to invite your contacts to participate in automated surveys

Beyond the content of the surveys, the presentation is key. Your contacts must be convinced that their response will be valuable and taken into account. To ensure participants engage in the survey:

  • Use multiple communication channels to ensure the invitation is read (e.g., email, website pop-ups, mobile notifications)
  • Send surveys at opportune times when participants are most likely to dedicate time to them. Avoid periods of high workload or holidays.
  • Send reminders to participants who haven’t responded yet, without being too pushy.

What tools to use for creating online surveys?

The choice of tool will depend on the level of professionalism required and your budget. Here’s a selection of popular tools:

  • Google Forms: A free and user-friendly tool that allows for easy creation of online surveys.
  • Typeform: An affordable tool with a modern design, offering an intuitive experience for collecting information.
  • Netigate or Qualtrics: Highly professional tools that provide advanced features but require a larger budget. They enable in-depth surveys and quick data analysis.
  • Custom web development of a form: This option allows you to create a tailored form integrated into your own interface to collect data. However, you’ll need to then send it to a powerful analysis tool.

How to maximize the success of your surveys?

Once you have gathered a maximum number of responses, it is essential to leverage this data for optimal value. In cases where surveys are not anonymous, make sure to take the following actions:

  • Record the collected data at the contact level in your CRM tool for centralized management and a better understanding of individual preferences and needs.
  • Share qualitative information, including satisfaction survey comments, with business managers. This helps identify strengths, improvement opportunities, and guide strategic decisions.
  • Swiftly pass potential leads to sales teams, utilizing survey data to identify the most promising prospects. This promotes increased responsiveness and more effective conversion of prospects into customers.
  • Address negative feedback directly through customer service. It is important to address the concerns of dissatisfied customers, provide personalized follow-up, and proactively resolve their issues.

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